Thursday, July 31, 2003

The Prom

July 2003, Brian McLeod(behind), Mike McLeod, Els Peskett, Gerry Newman, Spud Murphy Posted by Hello

Memories of Eddie Moors in Boscombe

July 2003, Posted by Hello

The Peardrop

July 2003, Spud Murphy, Richard Creagh, Stan Hughes, Gerry Newman Posted by Hello

The restaurant opposite Prezzo's

July 2003, Christchurch, Brian McLeod, Stan Hughes, Gerry Newman, Spud Murphy, Ginge Creagh Posted by Hello

The Riverside at Tuckton Bridge

July 2003, Ginge Creagh, Els Peskett, Gerry Newman Posted by Hello


July 2003, Ginge Creagh, Els Peskett, Gerry Newman Posted by Hello

Getting ready .........

July 2003, Christchurch, Gerry Newman, Stan Hughes, Els Peskett, Ginge Creagh Posted by Hello

The Riverside at Tuckton Bridge

July 2003, Ginge and GerryPosted by Hello

Briar Patch ....

July 2003, Briar Patch, Gerry Newman, Ginge Creagh Posted by Hello

Outside the Three Tuns

Christine Plaice, Gerry Newman, Ginge Creagh, Els Peskett, Mike McLeod, Brian McLeod Posted by Hello

St Mary's Gate Boarding House

July 2003, Gerry Newman, Ginge Creagh with one of its most famous residents .....!! Posted by Hello

The Three Tuns Sunday Lunch

Brian McLeod, Els Peskett, Christine Plaice, Gerry Newman, Spud Murphy, Mike McLeod, Ginge Creagh