Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Cheers everyone .........................

I don't believe it ........................... Posted by Hello

It can't be that bad .......... or is it ?

Time for Absolution ................... Posted by Hello

What's that he's got in his mouth

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

The Bookshop at the Crossroads

May 2004, Kevin Murphy, Tony Hamilton, Richard Creagh

Every time we've been back, we called in to Tony and he's always had the kettle on.
He showed us a whole load of stuff relating to when the bottom field was an aerodrome, and about when Rolls of Rolls Royce flew his plane there and was killed.
There's a memorial now down on the bottom field.
See the photos below.Posted by Hello

Is that Guinness ?

May 2004, Richard Creagh, Paul McCall, Spud Murphy, Mike McLeod Posted by Hello

No, it's not cold .......

May 2004, Richard, Els, Spud Posted by Hello

Prezzo's Dinner on the Friday

May 2004, Els, Gerry, Anne, Spud, Christine and Ginge Posted by Hello

Which way do we go ?

May 2004, K Murphy, E Peskett, R Creagh Posted by Hello

The Refectory

May 2004, Mike McLeod, Spud Murphy, Stan Hughes and Tommy Browning
A huge thanks to Tommy for his kindness in looking after us while we were in Town.
He went out of his way by a long shot in showing us round the school and laying out all those photos and memorabilia Posted by Hello

The Refectory

May 2004, Mike Novak, Kevin and Paul Strong Posted by Hello

The Group

May 2004, Richard Creagh, Mike Novak, Spud Murphy, Stan Hughes, Paul McCall, Kevin Strong, Mike McLeod, Paul Strong Posted by Hello

Who's round is it ?

May 2004, Stan Hughes, Kevin Strong, Richard Creagh, Mike Novak Posted by Hello

Nice Dinner ............

Prezzo's, May 2004, Gerry Newman and Anne Ratcliffe Posted by Hello

The Sue Lister Mob ..................

Libby Singleton, Sue Lister, Nigel Turnbull, Stan Hughes, Phil Rhodes, Pete Nast, Lorna McLeod, Brian McLeod Posted by Hello

What a Smile .................

Neat Past, Sibby Lingleton, Lue Sister, Rhil Phodes, Mrian BcLeod Posted by Hello

One of Tommy's photos

Very Back Row:
Knobby Lawrence, ?, Mr Pope, Dr Hayman, ?, ?
Back Row:
Br Anthony, Br Denis Mary, Br Lucien, ?, Mr Collier, Mr Smart, Mr Dan, ?, Br Austin
Br ?, Mrs Cross, Mr Gryspeerdt, Br Ives, ? , ?, Father Poure, Br Denis Joseph, ?, Mr Fountain Posted by Hello

The Refectory

May 2004, Pete Nast, Stan Hughes, Gerry Newman Posted by Hello

The Refectory

May 2004, Kevin Strong, Phil Rhodes, Paul Strong Posted by Hello

The Refectory

May 2004, Spud Murphy, Pete Nast, Stan Hughes Posted by Hello

Isn't she lovely .......Cue Stevie Wonder!

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

Bring it on ...........

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

Anybody lost this ... ?

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

Before or after ?

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

What's Big Mac doing ?

May 2004, Prezzo's Posted by Hello

Now it's Spud's turn ......

May 2004, Prezzo'sPosted by Hello